
Advance Photo Editing : Skin Retouching in Photoshop in Hindi | Photo Retouching Photoshop Tutorial

2023-05-27 5 Dailymotion

Advance Photo Editing : Skin Retouching in Photoshop in Hindi | Photo Retouching Photoshop Tutorial
In this video, you will learn how to remove dark circles under eyes naturally in Photoshop in Hindi at your home.
This is the best way to get rid of dark circles in one click. Follow these steps which I have used to remove naturally dark circles in Photoshop. Friends there are many things to remove dark circles in the home but finally, after photography, we have to use Photoshop for removing these eye dark circles.
Learn Photoshop for skin retouching or photo editing for your own use.
To get rid of dark circles under eyes, friends this the best option or medicines to remove permanently dark circles. Dark circles rob the beauty of your face so you should care for them so that no need to take medicines or any home remedy.
Friends, there are many beauty tips to get rid of dark circles but these are not the permanent solution, if you really want to get permanent solution to remove dark circles you should take care of your health and must eat green vegetables, fruits, milk, and also it is very important that you should work out every day.
Friends why we need to remove dark circles under the eyes, because of beauty. So we should be used to eat healthy foods.
In this Photoshop tutorial I have used some tips for you to remove dark circles under the eyes, so kindly practice on them and become a perfect photo editor.

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In these all queries the most common question from the users is, What is photo retouching?
For this question, 'Charles Hackers'
(Retired professional photographer, very amateur historian)
Editing is the most basic. I pretty much never show any picture that has not been edited, especially since I started shooting exclusively raw a couple of years ago. Unlike out-of-camera jpegs, raw must be edited. After I do my initial cull, every remaining file gets some adjustment, usually in Lightroom. This is where I make sure the white balance is right, the exposure is right, there is a basic white and a basic black, detail in the highlights and also in the shadows. I may crop. I may even need to do a little sharpening. All of this I consider routine, even with jpegs.

Retouching goes a step beyond editing/adjustment. This is where, for example, in a portrait, I will go back and smooth the skin, reduce or eliminate lines and wrinkles, remove glasses glare, even remove some stray hairs. Much of that can be done in Lightroom, or if you prefer you can go to Photoshop or Elements. Of course, there are many other apps and programs out there that can do the job; I am just most familiar with Adobe, and Adobe is the Gold Standard. One of the greatest things about digital (so far as I am concerned) is that this can be done so seamlessly as to be invisible.

Manipulation is where you start actually making changes to the original file. This is where you remove offending light standards or fire